About Us

Blood Tests London are a small yet mighty blood test referral team led by Doctor Graham Johnson and Charge Nurse Paul Harris. For over 10 years we've been working in close co-ordination with 76 Wimpole Street for Phlebotomy and TDL Pathology to provide YOU the patient with timely private pathology results in London in the most efficient manner possible.

As patients are unable to self-refer themselves to a Laboratory, BloodTestsLondon.com provides a referral to a Laboratory (TDL) as part of our service if you don't already have one. There are hundreds of tests and custom profiles available for selection but we don't as a rule refer for genetic tests or for tests related to other specialist medical fields, unless with prior written agreement with the patient's own Doctor. 

We are well versed in standard blood testing logistics, and if the situation regarding your blood test seems complicated to you, rest assured that this is something that we specialise in. Let us assess your needs and give you the choice of how to arrange your blood test.

How Blood Tests London Works

  • Over 200 Custom Profiles
  • Over 600 Individual Biomarkers
  • Pay by Card, Paypal, Apple or Google Pay
  • NO hidden charges or fees. Ever.
  • Clinic Open Mo-Fr 7-7 & Sa 7-1
  • Walk-in at your own Convenience
  • Friendly Experienced Phlebotomists
  • Average wait time under 6 Minutes

Our Main Health Screening Profiles.

FULL LONDON Health Screen PLUS Z Wellwoman
FULL LONDON Health Screen (PLUS Z) Female Background
£845.25 Phlebotomy included
Lab Code: PLZF+PLF2
Number of Biomarkers: 73
Turnaround time: 5 working days
The PLUS Z - Everything from Albumin to Zinc.
FBC: Haemoglobin, HCT, Red Cell Count, MCV, MCH, MCHC, RDW, Platelet Count, MPV, White Cell Count and a 5 Part Differential looking at Neutrophils, Lymphocytes, Monocytes, Eosinophils and Basophils. (ESR also included).
ELECTROLYTES: Sodium, Potassium, Chloride, Bicarbonate.
KIDNEY FUNCTION: Urea, Creatinine, eGFR.
BIOCHEMISTRY: Albumin, Total Protein, Globulin, Uric Acid, LDH, CK
IRON STUDIES: Total Iron, TIBC, Ferritin, Transferrin Saturation.
LIPIDS: Total Cholesterol, HDL, HDL %, Non-HDL, Triglycerides.
NUTRITIONAL: Vitamin D, Vitamin B12, Vitamin B9 (Folate), Phosphate.
BONE HEALTH: Calcium, Corrected Calcium.
DIABETES: Blood Glucose
The Plus Z Level Full London Health Screens also include the powerful Advanced Lipid Analysis with Apolipoprotein A1, Apolipoprotein B and Lipoprotein A, as well as High Sensitivity CRP - giving you the benefit of a further look into your cardiac health - Additionally the Vitamin B12 test reports on Active B12, not Total B12
The Plus Z level looks at a further Cardiac Marker - Lp-PLA2 which rises along with fatty deposits in your arteries. Furthermore the addition of a comprehensive Sexual Health Screen as well as Zinc, Magnesium, Cortisol, four more Thyroid Markers and Blood Grouping there is no other Blood Test in London that covers so many bases as the plus Z.

Over and above that, Women get a CA-125 screen for Ovarian Cancer. The plus Z, like us, takes your health seriously
