Full London Vitamin and Mineral Panel In London - Order Online
Full London Vitamin and Mineral Panel Background
Full London Vitamin and Mineral Panel In London - Order Online

Full London Vitamin and Mineral Panel In London - Order Online


Regular price£217.25
Biomarkers Included: 1 - See below for full list.
Profile or Single Biomarker: Custom Profile
Target Turnaround Time: 5 Working days
Sample Needed: Blood
Phlebotomy included

Order our Full London Vitamin and Mineral Panel Online. Attend near Oxford St, London. Receive Results in 5 Days Guaranteed or Your Test is Free.

Treat yourself to a rigorous Vitamin and Mineral level assessment with this excellent profile that has Vitamins D, B12 (Active) and B9, as well as Magnesium, Selenium and Zinc, Ferritin (iron), Sodium and Calcium.

This Full London Vitamin and Mineral Panel is available to order online, once confirmation has been received the patient is able to attend the walk-in clinic.

Blood Test Explained

Please see below for a breakdown of test information, click each tab to find out more.

Ferritin is a protein found in the blood which carries iron. Like TIBC/UIBC, and transferrin saturation, it can tell us how much iron is stored in the body. The higher the level within a health screening, the greater the amount of iron stored. This test can be used to detect iron deficiency, and also conditions of iron excess (such as haemochromatosis). Ferritin can also be raised if inflammation is present in the body somewhere.

Vitamin B12 is an important vitamin, essential for the normal functioning of many body processes. Deficiency can lead to anaemia (poor quality red blood cells) and neurological (nerve) disorders. It is most abundant in meat products so vegetarians are more vulnerable to deficiency of this vitamin. Pernicious anaemia develops if uptake of vitamin B12 into the blood from the gut is absent or severely impaired, and even if a diet rich in the vitamin is taken, deficiency will occur if this disease is present. Recent evidence suggests that mild deficiency is probably more common than previously thought. Mild deficiency may explain the presence of fatigue and a host of other limiting symptoms which is why we have included it within the PLUS V and PLUS X health screening profiles.

Vitamin D Vitamin D is an important vitamin, essential for good bone health. It is manufactured in the skin through sunlight exposure and is found in several foods. Prolonged Vitamin D lack can cause osteomalacia, a disease which causes severe structural deformities to the skeleton. Lower level Vitamin D deficiency can lead to a number of non-specific symptoms, including chronic pain, weak bones, frequent infections depression and fatigue. It has been estimated that between 50-70% of people living in the northern Europe (where daylight length reduces your chances of receiving adequate sunlight in the winter) are deficient in this vitamin by March each year which is why health screening for this important vitamin is essential.

Zinc Zinc is an essential component in cellular processes such as DNA replication + transcription. Zinc is also a co-factor from over 300 enzymes. Over 25% of the world's population has a low or marginal zinc status (these symptoms can be mild). Some include loss of appetite/taste or increased susceptibility to infection.

Magnesium Magnesium is second most common intracellular cation, which is after potassium. Magnesium is a key element in more than 300 enzyme processes. Serum magnesium should be tested when a patient could have deficiencys such as malnutrition, alcoholsim, diarrhoea (more are included). Some deficiency symptoms of magnesium include muscle cramps, weakness, vertigo, depression.
Sodium is an essential electrolyte involved in several bodily functions. The kidneys regulate its level in the body. High or low levels can be seen in a number of diseases, and the level can be influenced either way by prescribed medication (eg diuretics can cause a drop-in sodium).

Blood Tests London

World Wellbeing Week. How to boost your well-being in the city of London

Overcrowding, noise, pollution. Urban living in places such as London, while vibrant, can have downsides which over time place a negative impact on your health.

So, how can we balance this out to make sure we’re looking after our health without compromising city living? For Wellbeing Week, we’re looking at the simple lifestyle choices and changes you can make to help keep you feeling good, all year round, while living in London.

Read more of the article here

1. Order Your Full London Vitamin and Mineral Panel Online

You may order this Blood Test Online Now and Attend Immediately. We Generate your Referral PDF within 3 Minutes, no need to Print it.

2. Attend the Walk-in Clinic near Oxford St Immediately

Reception is open 7am-7pm Mo-Fr and 9am-1pm on Sat. They'll be expecting you - and unlike others in London, we won't charge extra Fees on your Arrival.

3. Get Your Results Within 5 Working Days, Guaranteed.

Our Express Results Guarantee means you'll receive your Full London Vitamin and Mineral Panel Results within 5 Working Days or secure a full refund.

Inclusions List

Vitamin D, Vitamin B12, Vitamin B9, Magnesium, Selenium, Zinc, Ferritin, Sodium, Calcium

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